Pennsylvania Values Network
Nonprofit organizations across our commonwealth support LGBT inclusion!
Nonprofit organizations are charged with making our commonwealth a better place. They are groups which have a mission to help people, build community, educate the public, and empower vulnerable members of our society. Many nonprofits are also employers themselves.
Many Pennsylvania-based nonprofits, and national groups with Pennsylvania membership, are uniting to support LGBT nondiscrimination protections in our commonwealth. They know that our communities are stronger when we protect LGBT people from discrimination.
Nonprofit organizations are welcome to support this effort by becoming a Pennsylvania Values Network Member. The nonprofits listed here are coming forward to support LGBT Pennsylvanians from discrimination and are engaged in this effort to make sure these protections become law.
They share information on this legislation with their members, encourage the mobilization of supporters, and contact legislators to urge their backing LGBT nondiscrimination protections.
Supporting LGBT Pennsylvanians is not a single-issue for any one community – it is an urgent issue to all those who care about ensuring dignity for all.
The nonprofit organizations that join are affirming their support for legislation that bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in employment, housing, and public accommodations.
If your organization would like to become a Pennsylvania Values Network Member please email us or complete the form on this page. You are welcome to contact us with any questions about supporting this effort.
Pennsylvania Organizations Supporting LGBT Nondiscrimination Protections

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